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Reverend Mbaka 'buys' trouble

The Enugu based Catholic priest, and spiritual director of the Adoration Ministry, who has been known as one of Buhari’s most vocal supporters sprang a surprised on many with his attack on the Buhari administration.

In the message, Mbaka noted that there was too much suffering in the country, and faulted the president for not appointing the right people.

“The issue is that Mbaka is speaking as the Spirit leads him – there is hunger everywhere.  My job is to tell leaders the truth, the landlords are crying, the tenants are lamenting, sellers are crying, buyers are lamenting – there is hunger on the streets,” the fiery preacher said in a message to his congregation.

Mbaka also lamented about the present state of the nation, saying feeding has now become a problem in the country among other harsh criticism.

But Mbaka who was once an ally of the Jonathan administration before he became of one of its biggest critics, has come under fire from a section of Nigerians for his sudden attack on the Buhari administration.

Several commentators who reacted to Mbaka’s message to Buhari described the preacher as being confused.

Others asked him to quit preaching and go into politics full time.

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