As shared by a Facebook user

I came out as usual looking dope and all that....and it was my first
time of trying out a new outfit from my collection heating up soon...yea
I sha am fine I told my self...and as usual it was an early morning
journey. .
Welcome to ABA I told my self let the hustle begin...
after meeting a client it started raining so heavily that I thought the
world was coming to an end..I waited it was late I couldn't wait any
longer I had to just get to the park...it was 7.30pm...
Nothing to
convey me to the park I had to trek...with all the fabrics and stuffs
God! See water na...the stagnant water was hideous reaching almost to my
I must get to that park I told my self...suddenly I got to
a kinda dry place though water was still on my ankle level..then cars
where looking for a way to pass..with their head lights on only to find
out I have lost my wallet with all my atms...also a leg of my l.v
shoe.... a cheque given to me by a client. ..God!...suddenly I felt
somtin on my leg so cold...I ignored it coz I needed to make it to the
park..so no distractions. ..then I heard a big scream..haaahaaa what is
that on your leg ...a woman shouted. .....
Behold....a new born baby
of about 4hrs..with still the placenta on and its a cute baby boy
dead.....! The mother threw him away after birth and yes a very big
opportunity coz it was raining. ....
I blacked out..I almost fainted.
..I became so stiff that I can barely move...tears from no where gushed
through my cold checks.....
Why on earth would som1 destroy the life
of an innocent child. ....who knows maybe he might become a president
tomorrow. ..or bill gates...
Just look at what we humans are doing...the world is so dirty that things like that this are just mere stories...
I saw a dead baby today I cant still come out from this shock.. ...
We all should look at our lives...am not saying am perfect but God is watching...
She could have at list sold him or motherless..
God grant me the strenght to sleep coz am in great shock...now I cant
even find my smaller phone...ohh how great today has been...worst day
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