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Family Dresses A Dog As A Lion And Lets It Roam In Broad Daylight

A dog has been decorated to resemble a lion in front of a family home for a rather incredible reason.

This animal looks very much like a lion. He even roams his Portland, Oregon yard as if it were an African Savanna.

However, a closer look reveals that the animal is actually a dog called Winston Michael, a 180-pound English Mastiff with a very convincing lion mane wig!

“We’re working on courage and bravery for him,” says Winston’s owner, Blair Steinfeld, who’s been dressing Winston as a lion for Halloween, for years.

This week, she found another reason. She is dressing the dog as a lion so he can protect a tree in front of their home.

According to NBC New Tork, Steinfeld is preparing to do excavating work in her backyard. The City of Portland ordered her to put a cyclone fence around her front yard to protect the root system of an old willow tree from excavating equipment.

Steinfeld said it was the perfect opportunity to turn a boring, “tree root protection zone” as the city sign says, into something more fun.

Thus, the idea of a “lion” enclosure was hatched.

“We’re protecting the tree and the pride as well,” jokes Steinfeld.

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