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Man Jumps To Death After Being Sentenced To Prison

An Ohio man convicted of attempted murder jumped to his death at a courthouse shortly after being sentenced to 13 years in prison.

42-year old Jason Binkiewiz was pronounced dead after he escaped from his courthouse guard and jumped over the railings on the third floor of a Steubenville courthouse.

Binkiewiz had just been sentenced for shooting a man in the face in 2015, and was being escorted by a sheriff’s deputy when he broke free and ran towards the railings, Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla explained.

“As soon as Binkiewiz started moving, Deputy Price was on him quick enough, when he reached out he had his shirt” Abdalla said. “It wasn’t good enough, and if he held on to the shirt, most likely Deputy Price would have gone over with him”

Prosecutor Jane Hanlin said there were no indications the man was gonna jump and called it “a heart breaking day.”

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